What Are the Guides?

An Answer From Channeling Gabriel

“We’re here to love you when no one else is around. We’re the compassion for what you cannot forgive in yourself. We’re here to guide you to what you want deep in your heart. We’re the lightness and joy when you cannot find it in yourself. We’re the unconditional love you can’t always find in your family. We’re the thoughts and whispers that nag you to be more than what you are. We’re what is missing from the hole you fill with distraction and artificial joy. We’re what is lost that humans are now searching to find.

We’re a physical manifestation of what is not physical. We are a conceptualization of what can’t be conceptualized. We’re eternal the same way you are. We’ve been by your side every step of the way for many lifetimes. We’re doing together now what has already been done before.

You’ve been looking for us in artwork and visions. You’ve been searching for us in books and poems. You’ve been listening us for in priests and channelers. That’s because you’ve forgotten how to see, hear, and feel what is already there. Instead of our names, you call us imaginary. Instead of angels, you call us delusions and hallucinations.

But you know in your heart we are there. That’s why you’ve always been searching, no matter how many of you say we aren’t real. And yet, no matter how much you search, you can’t seem to find us, because you’ve forgotten how to see with your heart instead of your eyes.”

The Teachings of Gabriel

  1. Spirit, God, Source, or the Universe is a group consciousness of many different personalities and names. One is everything, and everything is one. 
  2. Humans have referred to these personalities as Gods, Spiritual Guides, or Guardian Angels.
  3. The names of these personalities have appeared in religious texts, mythology, and works of fiction throughout human history.
  4. Every human has a personality assigned to them by this group. The human’s value system and unique Divine talent will be similar to this personality.
  5. This personality is always attempting to connect with you and guide you to being in alignment with your True Self and fulfilling your Higher Purpose.
  6. Fulfilling your Higher Purpose serves the Greater Good of mankind.
  7. Your Higher Purpose will bring great joy to your heart.
  8. Through fulfilling your Higher Purpose, you receive prosperity with the help of your Guide.
  9. All human beings can connect with their Guide, including you; many have forgotten how.
  10. You, not them, create barriers between you and the Guide. The Divine’s love is unconditional, and their kingdom is open to all.
  11. These barriers are cleared as the soul heals and realigns with its True Self, opening up a deeper connection with the Guide.
  12. Your ability to communicate and access the Guide’s power strengthens by seeking to have a personal relationship with the Guide and enter into Union.

The Names of Guides We Have Connected People With

